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Sexy Little Latina Waitress Likes to be Punished

Natalia Springs is one of my personal favorites. She is a really down to earth girl, and actually a lot of fun to hang out with. I still kick it with her some times and play zombies on Call of Duty! That's right, she loves Call of Duty! I met Natalia at the Prado in Balboa park. She has been a server there for about a month now, and so far she likes it. I really wanted her to wear her server uniform, but unfortunately I couldn't make it happen. She also does webcam modeling on the side for extra cash, and currently lives in La Jolla. This girl seems pretty reserved at first, but when she gets access to a cock, everything changes. If sucking cock could be a pastime, it would be her favorite! It even gets better when you start to fuck her, she gets submissive and tells you to punish her! I love it!

Date Added: May 25, 2013


20 Photos, 25 minute(s) of video


Rating: 5.0/5.0

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