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San Diego Locals. White Girl Freckles Mmmmm! Like, Got Milk?

01/30/2023 09:00am

You just need some of that Freckly white girl on your dick. Petty Officer Johnson really knows whats UP. She has that solid juicy body you can really sink your teeth into. Again, we just can not get enough of those freckles. We just had to go with her for Model of the Month.

Petty Officer Johnson really knows how to wear that thong too. Like a rodeo you just want to jump on and go for a ride. Man, I was getting hand cramps on this one. haha. She really does have those eyes that just look straight though you.

To see just what Petty Officer Johnson brings to the party, the video can be found here.

Thanks for checking out our new spin on model of the week, Model of the Month. Thanks for reading.

By Sticks

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